20 Great Classroom Applications - Part 2
(This is the first in my follow-up series of amazing classroom tools... check back soon for more)
1. I included
EduCanon my the
first list. It's a great tool to flip your classroom by embedding formative assessments within YouTube videos.
This application is very close to it. It's called
EDPuzzle and it's amazing.
It has been very easy for teachers to set up and for students to log in and use. Read all about it on
Tom Mullaney's blog at this link.
Below is a sample that I put together.
Assessment results can be recorded for each student in each of your classes.
I just included the link here for you to preview so your score will not be recorded.
Additional audio or video comments could have been made on the video, but the host here already does a nice job.
Another alternative:
2. Student Presentation Tools
There is a wide spectrum of student presentation tools. Unfortunately, many are geared only towards lower order thinking skills. There are other alternatives that help guide students to Higher Order Thinking Skills. These can include:
3. Attention Grabbers
Teachers often are looking for attention-grabbers. These video collections provide great starting points for classroom units.
-This is a library of great, engaging animated videos, all explaining a wide variety of topics.
-Featuring amazing experts in many different fields, these are geared towards education, generally towards older students.
- These two guys have had many great teaching videos on CBS news shows, asking many though-provoking questions. These provide great starting points for classroom discussion. This link will take you to some of their first productions.