It has been a while since I wrote about some of the different options we have for video streaming. Click here if you want to take a look. There have been some nice recent updates with one of the resources, Microsoft Stream.
Microsoft Stream is a video streaming service that we can upload our original content to. Unlike YouTube, it is not a social media platform. Videos may be uploaded and made available to our students or families. They can even be downloaded. Video access can also be personalized in the same way we are used to with YouTube. They can also be embedded in websites and other applications.
This service is a part of our Microsoft Sharepoint Suite that our District subscribes to. Every staff member has a Microsoft account, which uses the same login credentials as our Apple and Google accounts. Many, but not all, of our staff have access to Microsoft applications such as Word, Powerpoint, and Excel. For a number of reasons, they are not used nearly as often as our Google and Apple counterparts.
You check out Microsoft Stream by logging in at on laptop or through the app on iPad, which may be found in Self Service. The application has many similarities to the Clips app, which is often used on our iPads for video recording and editing. A fundamental difference is in how videos are save to a cloud-based service called Sharepoint
Below is a quick infographic on how to create a streamed video.
You may also upload one that has already been built.
Please reach out as you have more questions about Microsoft Stream - I can add answers to this post.
I look forward to learning about how you are trying it out, too.