At Grinnell High School, Mr. Kastendick's high school Modern Conflict course recently created a video about Afghanistan and its surrounding political and cultural issues. Students created a script, videotaped in front of a green screen for effect, and edited their work in iMovie. Their product was then uploaded to YouTube for public viewing. You may watch the video below:
The Setup:
Enduring understanding: Being informed about world conflicts is a good first step toward resolving conflict and preventing future conflict.
Goal: To analyze a current conflict as well as organizations that are intervening, in order to educate and possibly mobilize members of this school and community. Students will suggest a course of action for their peers / audience.
The Product:
This link will take you to a scoring rubric that can be used to assess student video projects.
A project like this can meet the ISTE Standards for Students, including:
1. Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
3. Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.