Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Our teacher and student devices have a built-in text-to-speech feature.
Words, phrases, or passages may be selected to be 'spoken' on just about any application.

I prefer either the Siri Female or Male voices. They seem to sound a little more natural than the other options.  They include natural pauses at commas and periods.  This can be a great tool for emerging readers.

iPadOS Laptop (MacOS)
This option will need to be turned on in
the Settings App.

When text is highlighted, the 'Speak' option will become available.

The keyboard shortcut is usually Option-Esc.
This may be turned on in your System Preferences.

Simply highlight the text you want to hear in any program and press the short cut keys shown above.
Settings -> Accessibility -> Spoken Content

System Preferences-> Accessibility ->  Speech

Turn on 'Speak Selection'. 
I would recommend leaving Speak Screen turned off.
Adjust other settings as desired. 

With either of these options, Text-to-Speech is now available in almost every application on your device.  This may be paired with several other great applications that are readily available on teacher and student devices.