Sunday, September 23, 2018

MobyMax for students

MobyMax is used in our district up to the middle school grades as a support resource in many different subject areas.  558 students have logged in so far this school year.  I have a couple quick related items to share.

Regarding Logging in to MobyMax through ClassLink:

I have worked through many classes to clean up any log-in issues.  Please let me know if I need to do a run-through check with your class.  Every student should be able to Tap/Click on their MobyMax icon and go straight to their MobyMax account without having to type anything in.  I've been able to fix every issue so far.  Hit me up with a challenge if you think you have one.  I'm game.

Every K-12 teacher and student has a ClassLink account through this link.

Regarding 'shared' students in MobyMax:

I had an AHA moment when working recently with Karen Fausett.  We realized that any teacher could 'share' their roster with another teacher, but could not build their own roster with students from around the building.  I found and changed the setting for this....

So... if you are a specials teacher, WIN teacher, ELP, resource room, or need to be able to 'share' a student, you now have that capability.  Students will retain a single log-in, but can be easily shared among several teachers.  Click on Roster to find these settings.