Thursday, December 19, 2019

iPad Pop-ups in Safari or Chrome

Pop-ups can either be a big nuisance or very helpful, depending on what you are working on.
By default, they are turned OFF in the Settings on your iPad.

There are times on your iPad where it is important to be able to allow pop-ups.
 Here is quick how-to to turn them on/off on either of your web browsers.

Safari for iPad directions:

On your iPad, navigate to

Settings -> Safari -> Block Pop-Ups

Turn this OFF to allow popups on your.
Pop-ups are necessary for some websites.

This will look just a little different than on a laptop.  'Pop-ups' will open as an additional tab in your browser.

Chrome for iPad directions:

Tap on the 3 dots in the upper right of your screen.  Select Settings.

Tap on Content Settings
Turn Block Pop-ups on or off as desired.

If you scroll to the bottom of this blog page, you can search for other posts related to iPad use.  Just type 'iPad' into the Search bar.

Please let me know if you have questions that I could answer with other useful posts.