These directions show how to download and open a file that a teacher shares with you on ClassLink.
These directions are for iPad only.
 | Sign in to your ClassLink account.
Grades K-4 can use a Quickcard. Grades 3-12 can use their school Google account. |
 | Tap on the 3 lines in the upper left corner. |
 | Tap on My Files |
 | Tap on ClassLink Drive |
 | Tap on Shared
We want to download and open a file that your teacher has shared with you. |
 | Tap on your teacher's shared Class Folder |
1. Tap on the file name to open in Preview mode
2. Tap on the ... in the upper right corner
3. Select Open In ..... Keynote
| OR
1. Tap on the ⌄ symbol in the upper right corner.
2. Tap on Open In .... Keynote
 | Choose Keynote, or whatever appropriate app is needed. |
 | An extra tip -
When using Keynote, tap on Edit to make changes to the slides.
You only need to go through these steps once. If you repeat them you will get another new copy. |
Here is a map of all of the steps shown above: