Do you use Google Classroom as your Learning Management System?
If so, you can now have your classes automatically built, rostered, and also synced daily with Infinite Campus. Your classes will appear as they do now, but filled already with students who are automatically enrolled. This may save you some valuable preparation time during the school year.
In Google Classroom:
- If a student leaves, you may may still manually remove them
-You may still manually add additional co-teachers as needed
-The class name will match what is in Infinite Campus. You may change it as desired.
-You may import assignments from previous Google Classroom classes as you likely already do.
-You may still Archive classes once finished to get them off your Classroom dashboard.
I just need a request from you to 'turn on' your classes. They will show up in your teacher management portal. Please let me know if you would like a sneak preview of what this could look like for you this fall.
Other notes:
- There is no district management of your classes. It's still all in your hands.
-Sorry, grades are not synced. This would be true if we were using Canvas or Schoology.
You can import assignments from a previous Google Classroom using the following steps:
Select a single assignment or the entire previous course.
Keep them in "Draft" form until you are ready to assign.
Please let me know as you have questions.