Monday, October 17, 2016

PLTW Launch

Here are a few steps to getting you set up to teach on of the PLTW Launch modules.

1.  From your teacher laptop, log in to your PLTW account at this link.

From here, you can view all of the course content.  You have a teacher account already created.  You will need to 'Publish' the content you want your students to be able to view.  If you are working on Module 2, then it would be good practice to only make that module viewable.

2.  Your teacher iPad will include all of the teacher-viewable content.  Use the Canvas App.  It should already be installed on your iPad.  If not, go to Self-Service to install.

When you log in, enter PLTW as the school.   DO NOT put Grinnell as the school.  PLTW already has the content built and ready for you.

3.  Your students will need to be logged into their iPads.  This really should only need to be done once.  I have shared FV link / BP link that includes all of your student usernames and passwords.

Again, the school is PLTW (Project Lead the Way).  It is NOT Grinnell.

Your students have been rostered with usernames and passwords to login to Canvas.  Canvas is the Learning Management System for this coursework.

Students will have access only to the content that you give them access to.  Please do a test run to make sure everything is working well before jumping in front of the class with your lessons.  Students will need a little time to get acclimated to working with Canvas.

This video shows how to log in to a student PTLW Canvas account: