Thursday, August 3, 2023

Roster Server Classes for 23-24


Our Roster Server is now connected to Infinite Campus for the 23-24 school year.
I have classes built and synced daily for the resources below.

Please log in to your different teacher accounts and check to make see that these classes appear for you. 

If not, please submit a tech ticket and I will get them added right away.

(updated 08/21/23)

So, what does this mean?

You have a teacher account for many online resources to use with your classes and your students.  For some of them, with just a couple clicks I can build your classes and have the rosters updated daily to match Infinite Campus.  This tool is called our Roster Server.

As an example, I just got Google Classroom set up this past spring.  Feedback has been all thumbs up so far.  Your classes will be named whatever Infinite Campus shows, but you can change it to whatever you want without 'breaking" it.  You can also import assignments from a past year as you likely have already been doing.

How are Courses different than Classes?

In Infinite Campus Math 6 is the name of a Course.  Each section then is a Class.  

Let's say I add Math 6 to Google Classroom.  Then all 4 sections will show up on the teacher's portal and every student will automatically be enrolled in the class. 

What other questions do you have?  I will post more details here as I get questions.

Again, please let me know if your 2023-2024 classes to not appear.  I should be able to get them added right away.

Can more resources be added to our Roster Server?


News-O-Matic is a new online non-fiction literacy resource intended mostly for upper elementary and middle school students that can easily integrate in ELA lessons.  It is free to our district since it was purchased by the AEA and it includes many remarkable built-in accessibility tools.  I have classes built already for most K-8 reading classes already and it is available for students already via ClassLink.  Try it out at this link using your school Google credentials. 

Google Classroom is a widely used Learning Management System used mostly by our middle and high school classrooms. If this is a part of your routine, I can build all of your classes with just a few clicks and save you some very valuable classroom time. Just let me know what classroom you would like built.  I have more details about this setup on another blog post at this link.

XtraMath is set up and ready to go for all students in grades K-4.  From ClassLink, students will not need to type in a password to log in.  They just tap and go.

This, however, is not true for some widely used items, such as Prodigy or EPIC... for now anyway.  I can't use Roster Server for these, but I may be able to save you some valuable time.  Please reach out if this fits you.

And more notes:

-I can set up  quick logins, called single sign-ons, for many online resources either through our students' ClassLink portal or Google panel.  Let's visit if you have a resource that may be a good fit.

-Quickcards for student ClassLink account logins are available via each teacher's portal.  These are widely used by our younger students for easy sign-on to online accounts.  Teachers:  Click here to log into your ClassLink account using your Google credentials.  Click on the Class Quickcards icon to find your class.  Print out on heavy cardstock, and maybe even laminate them. 


Please reach out as you have questions or notice something out of place.  
I can have a nice overhead view of our account data, but can't always see what you see.