Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Digital Citizenship

We all have a role as teachers of Digital Citizenship

What is Digital Citizenship?
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship

Grinnell Clarity Data Summary

Why teach Digital Citizenship?
Perspective from CommonSenseMedia.org

...and TeachThought.com

Here is a powerful look at how one student's digital experiences may have contributed to tragic consequences.  (This material is not for younger viewers)

How can we teach Digital Citizenship?


ISTE Standards for Students - (See Standard 5 on page 2)

Flipsnack presentation

Teaching Resources:

If you have not seen their resources lately, CommonSenseMedia is worth bookmarking and using for lessons, posters, tips, and guidelines for Educators AND Families about Digital Citizenship.  It even includes a full K-12 which may be found at this link.

Use Common Sense Media to

- Send useful resources home about how to handle parent concerns like this.

- Add assessment resources like these to plan your student projects.

- Check to see if TV shows like these are age-appropriate for your students.
         or read a movie review at this link.

- Hablas Espanol?  Encuentre  recursos en este enlace.

- Find out if that online student account meets privacy requirements at this link.

We are all teachers of digital citizenship regardless of our content area or our level of digital experience.  Our students have developed as strong Consumers of digital content (digital natives), but need support in building their 'common-sense' about handling a digital life as they work towards becoming effective digital Producers of digital content.