Monday, October 23, 2017

Autofill Passwords on iPad

You can quickly have Safari 'remember' passwords to websites you visit on your iPad (or iPhone).

This may be helpful for your use as well as your students.... especially those who do not type very well.

An example:

Iowa AEA Online has many useful resources that are available with a common username/password.  (Visit your building media center for the student usernames/passwords)

Once you have logged in, we can have Safari 'remember' the password.

In this example, we can find useful media resources through the website.  Click on the desired resource.  In this case, I am going to log into BookFLIX

The website can be pushed out to your student iPads using Apple Classroom

On the first visit to this site, go ahead and type in the correct username/password.

Do not log in just yet.

Again, do not select Log In or hit Return just yet.

At the top of your keyboard, tap where is says Passwords

Tap Save this Password.

On your next visit to this same site, the username should show up.  Just tap on it to navigate to the website.

In this case, I have logged in with two different accounts.  This will allow me to quickly log into either one without needing to remember the password.

You can manage/edit your website passwords from the Settings here:

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Vex Kit Assembly Instruction for PLTW Launch

Regarding PLTW Launch lessons for Third and Fourth Grade:

The Autodesk Publisher Viewer App does not work with the newest iOS update on the iPads.  There are lessons that require assembly with the VEX kits as students work through the lessons.

Here is an alternative location for directions that students already have available through their PLTW Inkling accounts:

Once students have logged into their Inkling accounts, there will be an option to select Autodesk Inventor Publisher Resources

Each of the assembly videos may be played full-screen.

This is not quite as nice as using the Publisher Mobile Viewer app, but should provide enough details to put the constructions together. 

Here is a short screen video of the directions above.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Notes App

In the coming days, you will be seeing updates pushed out on students iPads to the newest operating system, iOS 11.  It includes several very nice changes.  Click on this link to read about the new features.

You may update your teacher iPad to iOS 11 from

Settings -> General -> Software Update

This may take an hour or so if you have a good Internet connection.
It is well worth the time to have this installed.

Self-Service will work fine, but there may be some applications that will need to be re-installed or updated.  We have had few issues with the iPads that have been tested so far.  The new features far outweigh the adjustments that need to be made.


An integrated application that has features your students can use right away is Notes.

When your iPads are updated to iOS 11, the Chalkboard App will no longer work.  That's OK though.  Notes will do everything Chalkboard does, plus much more.

Some features in Notes include:

-sync Notes between your iPad and laptop using an iCloud account (for teacher)
-add collaborators (similar to Google Drive)

-AirDrop notes between Apple devices
-create a blank sketch
-create a sketch that is over a picture
-Scan a document... and even sign it.
-add a table
Play the video to the right to see a demonstration of a some of these features.

Notes is also very useful on your laptop.  The sketch tool is not as nice as the iPad version, but is still possible to use.  See how to access this tool in the screenshots below.

Alternatives to Notes:

Google Keep  is a comparable application that integrates well with the GSuite applications.  It is worth exploring, too.
Stickies is on your laptop (It has been around since 1994, as well as some of my post-it notes at home).  
Reminders is found on the laptop and ipad

What else do you use?

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Adventures for Educators in Summer, 2018

Choose your adventure next summer with these options:

It seems like a long ways off, but you may want to consider these 3 opportunities.  Applications are now open for each.

Educators and Key Leaders Workshop

This workshop includes an all-expenses-paid trip to Quantico, Virginia for 5 days, sponsored by the US Marine Corps.  I have a sister-in-law who did this a few years ago and had an awesome time.   She is a middle school social studies teacher.

 Click here for more details.  See the screenshot below for where you can navigate to more even details on the website.

Space Camp

for Math and Science Teachers

5 days in Huntsville, Alabama


Iowa STEM Externships

sponsored by the Governor's STEM Advisory Council

This is geared towards STEM educators in grades 7-12.
.....Earn $4800 and grad credit over this 6-week program.

I will to this list as I find out about more opportunities.