Thursday, February 28, 2019

Professional Development Opportunities for 2019

NETA - March 27-29 in Omaha

Makerspace EdCamp, hosted by Central Rivers AEA in Cedar Falls, on March 30

Student Technology Conference - hosted on April 26.  kid presenters for a kid audience.  presentation proposals are still being accepted.  If you have the kids, I can help you with logistics.  Check out this link for their Assistive Technology Challenge  (This challenge is legit., and not like the goofy-faced hoax going around)

Summer Education Conference - June 25-26 - presented by Keystone AEA in Dubuque's big conference center.  They stopped calling it a 'technology' conference with a philosophy that good instruction will include technology uses.   It's a beautiful venue and a well-run conference.

Colorado School of Mines - CSPD Week - free - July 22-26 - geared more towards math teachers where students learn math through computer science.  

Iowa STEM Teacher Externship - Would you be interested in earning $4800 over the summer and a couple continuing ed credits?  We have had teachers do this.

Pathfinders Summer Institute - summer, 2019, for computer science.  Apply by April 15.  This is meant for any K-12 educator.

US Marine Educator Workshop Experience - 1 week long in sunny San Diego, California.  All expenses paid.  I know two teachers who have done this.  Let me know if you want to visit with either of them.