Thursday, August 29, 2019

Printing on specialty paper

I had a post last spring with a quick tip about how to print double-sided to our school printers... or how to turn that feature off.  Click here to check it out.  This should help reduce the paper waste that piles up in the recycling bins.
You may also want to consider this:  There have been a number of times that I have seen where paper is wasted because it is printed out on regular white paper and then photocopied onto colored paper, cardstock, or some other specialty paper.  This is a perfect place to use the Multi-Purpose Tray instead.  It's that side tray that flips down on the right side of the printer.

In the picture below, I am printing out one of the ClassLink Quickcards that our K-4 students use.  Since it gets heavy use, I print it out on card stock.  Note the settings I used.  I am printing here from Preview app.

When you load your paper in this side tray, an alert will pop up on the printer.   When printing with heavy paper, be sure to change the paper type to Heavy 1 paper.  Otherwise your printer be jammin' like Bob Marley.

Please consider where digital tools can replace or improve teaching and learning.  Send me a note if you would like to learn more.  Let's save a little of that paper.